
Who Am I

My name is Parth. After graduating Carnegie Mellon University in 2012, I started working for Boeing in their Research and Development group in Seattle as an engineer and analyst supporting various research and production groups. Outside of work, I have been volunteering for various local educational initiatives like First Lego League and STEM and following League of Legends as a player and fan of e-sports.

What is 329

I recently left Boeing to pursue personal projects including e-sports development and education policy. Evaluating my funds, I discovered that as of August 11 2014, I have enough to last me approximately 329 days before having to return to a life of responsible adulthood. I will be travelling and posting my work and experiences during that time. 

General FAQs

What do you plan to do?

I enjoy research and writing, especially about topics I'm passionate about. I want to explore the scenes, meet relevant members in the industry, and explore issues using a combination of  intuition, data, and analysis. I'll be travelling and pursuing any opportunities to help me with this journey.

E-sports development and education policy are vastly different topics, what is the connection?

The connection is tenuous, but they are both systems in which the underlying assumptions in the approach to their development are inefficient or misguided.  A lot of creative and talented people are currently being undervalued for their potential and I believe e-sports and public education need to re-evaluate their members and audience to create an infrastructure around their needs to efficiently prepare them for the challenges they face.

How can I be involved?

If you enjoy my work and would like to see more, feel free to donate below. However, my motivation behind pursuing these projects is to drive discussion and have an impact in these industries. Therefore, I'd appreciate it if you could spread the word by sharing, posting, and discussing it. Also, if you have comments, suggestions, connections, or opportunities, please reach out to me using any of the social sites. 


If you enjoy my work and would like me to continue my efforts, feel free to donate any amount you wish. It's super appreciated and will allow me to create better content.

Spread the Word

The best way you can help is by spreading my work, being part of the discussion, and sending me any feedback or recommendations.